So you can’t cut/paste file paths easily in Mac OSX. No keyboard shortcuts and even “get info” doesn’t give a selectable pathname. Yes, you can see the path, but you can’t get it onto the clipboard. Hmm.. after trolling a bit of the internet, I found that there’s some freeware and some methodologies- drag into terminal or into textWrangler… They all sounded a bit involved when speed and simplicity is the issue. My method of choice came from Camarena in a forum link: Create a simple apple script, turn it into an .app and then drag that app into any finder bar so it appears as an icon.  So here’s the step by step.

Create the App:
  1. Open the applescript editor, create a new script

    Applications > Applescript > Script Editor

  2. Paste the following: 

    tell application “Finder”
    set sel to the selection as text
    set the clipboard to POSIX path of sel
    end tell

  3. Save as an File Format > Application 

  4. Drag the .app file into any finder window’s toolbar to add the shortcut

To use:
  1. Select the file you want to copy the path
  2. Click the scipt shortcut icon you just created
  3. Now it’s on your clipboard, so you can paste the filepath!

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