Picking a CSS framework.

I really like the 960gs, but I want to make an adaptive site. So I’ve been on the hunt for a css framework that includes 2 things: a set of media queries, a set of grid classes. It’s been frustrating since many of the frameworks seems to have one but not the other. Read on for my process…

New Portfolio site

Working on a new personal site design. I decided against wordpress since it takes too long for me to go through and update all the templates to my wishes. One of the new things I’m trying is responsive design and CSS3. Try resizing the window… New homepage (work in progress)

Mobile app – part 2

Ok- so after going to a phonegap SF meetup tonight– I got super excited and needed to get something done tonight. I needed to get something small done since I only had about 3 hours. Goal: Generate & show QR code on iphone simulator Started by following this tutorial on embedding a map: Building your …

IE Hate. PNG’s don’t display.

IE can’t deal with PNG’s. It makes them opaque- kinda defeats the purpose…Here’s a solution to fix png display in IE. It makes directX display pngs instead of IE.Code that works

Php and html minitips

Set your site’s base (all links will think of it as the site root) Say your page is located at:   yukiko/pages/news/IGotAJob.html In your page’s <head> tag put the root page:  <base href=”yukiko/index.php”> So instead of linking relative to the page,  <img href=”yukiko/index.php” src=”/images/janitor.jpg” /> a link will be relative to the site root.  <img …

CSS workaround for Safari dispaying Helvetica fractions

A note to whomever (probably myself): When trying to specify Helvetica as a font-family in CSS, make sure that you use the full “Helvetica Plain” tag in quotes. Otherwise, safari, (I’m testing on v2.0.4) will default to Helvetica Fractions. It will look like: